
What is FortuneDisk PRO?

FortuneDisk PRO is one of the worlds most top best antivruis online programs for windowledge 95/98/TEK4, providng your personal computer and work network safe from many threats!


What threats can the software fix and stop ?

FortuneDisk PRO can protect you from:




And much more!



Download our 30 Day Trial Software!

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*ProTECK2K Software is not liable for any left over system files, attributions, and program-mandated interfeirance in preformance or future compatibility. any breach of our long and ludicrous licence agreement is breached upon the installation of incompatible antivirus software on your Windowledge 95/98/TEK4 systems. We maybe may may-not possible widthdraw our technical responsibility for partical ramifications of undisclosed and dilluted indirectly debetable responsibilites in legal court per the 1996 Computer I.T.U.S Act.