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News & Updates

The Upcoming Year 2000 Ready Installation of Windowledge!

New! Web Explorer 5.0 Available!

News on Windowledge 98 R2

Windowledge Mobile 2000 SDK Available!



Offers and Freebies

New! Web Explorer 5.0 Available!

FREE! Update via Internet or CD-ROM for Windowledge 98 R2!

FREE! Revison 2 downloadable desktop theme


Microbyte Platforms

Windowledge 95

Windowledge 98



Site Development Kits

Getting started with HTML

FREE! 50+ images and gifs for your website!































What is Windowledge?

Microbyte Windowledge is the world's leading series of succesfull graphical operating systems, designed to make computing easier and more efficent for everyone, even the snotty geeks who think putting MB-DOS in full screenmode makes them look remotley more inteligent.

Below is a list of our most recent and next-generation 32-Bit graphical operating enviroments for sale, alongside some general information and pricing variables to help you decide what other operating system you'd possibly want that nobody else has a problem with.


For Personal Use, Homes, and Small Buisnesses...


Windowledge 95 is the first 32-bit graphical operating system that was completley revamped and modernized, intended to make computing less confusing and help users do what they want to do without frustration.. except for the times when our frankenstein 32-bit DOS kernel looses its mind and locks up your system because it felt like it.



Windowledge 98 is the refinement and calibration of Windowledge 95, alongside the major focuses on improved multimedia preformance, web intergration, and making computer entertainment more efficent and faster through it's DirectChecks optimization software for on-the-fly 3D Rendering.

This inital release was soon superceded by Windowledge 98 R2, another major update to the Windowledge 98 release.

This included such features as:

- Improved Plug and Pray detection

- Additional High-Tech Auto-Analysis Inteligently Autonamous Preformance Tune-ups

- Manual Hardware Recognition

- Critical Update Notification Tool

We strongly recommend your decision of purchase being Windowledge 98, as it is the most recent and exponentialy more legaly dubious system that the court wants split because 'your not supposed to intergrate your monopolistic browser with your industry-dominating platform'.


For Productivitiy and Professional Business Work...


WindowledgeTEK 4.0 is the latest in fully 32-bit graphical compting enviroments from MicroByte, providing you and your buisness machines with next-generation effiency and capabilities.

Depending on your configuration, two specialised editions of WindowledgeTEK 4.0 are available:

WindowledgeTEK Workbench

This edition is intended for high-end computers in office enviroments. If we haven't starved your software company out of sales or not had the time to buy you out yet, this new and consumer-incompatible architecture will make your work slightly more effiecent and reduce headaches by a staggering 4%! 

WindowledgeTEK Server

This edition is tailorized and geared towards high-end machines, providing free-of-charge out-the-box server management and configuration tools, alongisde priority troubleshooting kits for advanced network configurations.



Windowledge 2000 is the new and upcoming fully nex-generation milestone of Windowledge releases. Did we mention it is Year 2000 compliant? If we didnt, its probably because our clunky webbroswer didnt feel like loading some things because we noticed your not running Windowledge.